Philanthropic Partners
FORESIGHT is an initiative of The Rippel Foundation created in partnership with Blue Shield of California Foundation. We are supported by a total of 17 forward-thinking national and regional philanthropic partners in more than a dozen U.S. states. Regional partners play a key role in engaging residents in their local areas, and in bringing the fresh vision and bold ideas developed by more that 8,000 people across the United States back to their communities to implement in ways best for them.

Alliance Healthcare Foundation
Why we’re involved: At Alliance Healthcare Foundation, we work to advance health and wellness for the most vulnerable in San Diego and Imperial counties. We accomplish this work through collaborative funding, convening, and advocacy. We believe philanthropy is uniquely poised to provide impact innovation capital coupled with long-termism and steadfast partnership. We share FORESIGHT’S vision for collective action in transforming health and wellness to reduce the overall cost to the current systems, while improving quality and increasing access.
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Blue Shield of California Foundation
Why we’re involved: Founding partner Blue Shield of California Foundation is excited to advance a transformative vision of health and well-being through FORESIGHT, which unifies futures thinking, sensemaking, and the critically-important input of diverse stakeholders, communities and sectors. These unique regional, social, and cultural perspectives, in combination with innovative tools and thinking, will build a new vision for health in our state and our nation, and create new opportunities for rapid, equitable change and good health for all.
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Connecticut Health Foundation
Why we’re involved: By taking a step back and thinking broadly about how health care and social services can be designed, we will be better able to meet the needs of people and communities and achieve health equity. The Connecticut Health Foundation is excited to join this partnership dedicated to improving health and well-being and ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to be as healthy as possible.
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Endowment for Health
Why we’re involved: The Endowment for Health is pleased to engage with other health philanthropies and thought leaders to embrace long-term visioning and the actions needed to create sustainable change in population health. The FORESIGHT initiative’s activities align with several of the Endowment’s strategic priorities and the shared learning has the potential to help New Hampshire improve population health.
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Episcopal Health Foundation
Why we’re involved: FORESIGHT presents an opportunity for Episcopal Health Foundation to participate as a thought partner alongside a national group of funders with a prior track record of success on similar health initiatives. With FORESIGHT’s goal to think beyond the present to make the critical decisions today that affect our tomorrow, the initiative will bring new insights to the leaders and communities at the very center of our work in Texas. This includes our efforts to create effective and sustainable community health centers, build the ability of organizations to raise the voices of community members to influence community health, and develop community health leaders.
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Kansas Health Foundation
Why we’re involved: Philanthropy has spent billions over the last few decades trying to improve health and yet a significant portion of the population continues to struggle with health disparities. The Kansas Health Foundation (KHF) concurs with the collective rationale of the FORESIGHT initiative philanthropic partners for investing in this effort. KHF is excited about the potential for new solutions to emerge as diverse viewpoints are engaged in a thoughtful and strategic process along with a shared vision and actionable agenda to create transformational change. KHF is also benefiting from the opportunity to build relationships with other system stakeholders and gain a deeper understanding of health access and equity issues to inform the work we fund to improve health across our state.
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Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust
Why we’re involved: The Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust works locally and statewide in North Carolina to support thriving communities and thriving residents, equitable access to care, and equitable health outcomes. As a funder in the South we are concerned about how sweeping changes to our nation’s health system could widen or narrow the deep disparities in outcomes we see between racial groups and geographic regions. FORESIGHT is an opportunity to leverage new partnerships and create more equitable models for the future of health.
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Mat-Su Health Foundation
Why we’re involved: The Mat-Su Health Foundation (MSHF) is excited to be a FORESIGHT initiative partner. Our mission is to improve the health and wellness of Alaskans living in the Mat-Su community. We have been working towards the Triple Aim, which is to improve the patient experience of care, improve the health of populations, and reduce the per capita cost of health care. FORESIGHT supports our goals, and we look forward to being part of this innovative collaboration.
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Minneapolis Foundation
Why we’re involved: The Minneapolis Foundation brings together people, ideas, and resources to improve lives, locally and globally. A part of that effort is our Catalyst Initiative, which fosters culturally authentic self-care practices to advance health and well-being from a community perspective. We’re thrilled that Catalyst will be a part of FORESIGHT to help shape a better future for everyone’s health and well-being.
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Missouri Foundation for Health
Why we’re involved: Missouri Foundation for Health’s involvement in the FORESIGHT project allows us the opportunity to be part of national work that is likely to have influence on philanthropic and multisectoral health care efforts for years to come. The cross-cutting nature of FORESIGHT is an excellent way for MFH to leverage the resources and partnerships this collaborative brings to the forefront, as a means to advance regional efforts to improve health and well-being in Missouri. We’re excited to embark upon such a transformative change effort as we move toward innovative pathways and approaches to health in Missouri.
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Nemours Children’s Health System
Why we’re involved: Nemours believes that to truly transform children’s health and healthcare we need a long-term vision coupled with concrete action geared toward sustainable solutions. We recognize that we cannot do this alone, and came to the table early because we appreciate the collaborative leadership that is being provided through FORESIGHT that involves strategic partnerships at the national and regional levels. If we can address systemic and design problems for children we can raise a generation of healthier adults and both improve health and bend the cost curve at the same time.
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Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Why we’re involved: At Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, we are interested in understanding what new trends, opportunities, and breakthrough ideas can enable everyone in America to live the healthiest life possible. The approach FORESIGHT is taking—using the principles of human-centered design and gathering perspectives of leaders, futurists, innovative thinkers, and local residents from regions around the country—could help us all move from reacting to current challenges, toward working together to bring about a desired future.
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Seattle Health Foundation
Why we’re involved: FORESIGHT’s innovative approach will engage thought leaders across the country and in our community in developing an understanding of what the future of equitable health can look like. It will then use that information to design, test, and scale new models that ensure stronger health and well-being for decades to come.
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St. David’s Foundation
Why we’re involved: We are excited to be part of this national conversation about reshaping our health system and improving health. We look forward to learning from a new approach to designing a more equitable future, and bringing lessons from the national stage to Central Texas.
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The Colorado Health Foundation
Why we’re involved: As an organization working to bring health in reach for all Coloradans, the Colorado Health Foundation is excited to envision a future free of the structural barriers and systemic inequities that are keeping health out of reach for so many people. We look forward to learning from—and with—a wide variety of stakeholders, and engaging in the challenge of shifting our thinking from what’s broken in our health system today, to what a future in which all people have equal opportunity for health and well-being could look like.
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The Dorothy Rider Pool Health Care Trust and Lehigh Valley Health Network
Why we’re involved: Leonard Parker Pool envisioned superior health care for the citizens of the Lehigh Valley. Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN), with support from The Dorothy Rider Pool Health Care Trust, has a 40+ year history of delivering on that vision. We continue the legacy today by focusing on the many factors that influence health—specifically the social determinants of health. Together, we are enthusiastic about our involvement in FORESIGHT and the opportunity to inform and support our place-based, transformational work.
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The Rippel Foundation
Why we’re involved: At Rippel, we work with national and regional stewards to design and execute the strategies they need to guide transformative change and produce better health and well-being for all. Stewards are leaders (people and organizations) who take responsibility for forming working relationships with others to drive transformative change in regions. We specifically work with well-positioned stewards who influence how decisions are made, and how resources and spent—to help them figure out how to equitably shift the system in ways that better produce health and well-being.
Our best hypothesis is that as stewards mature in their ability to facilitate cross-sector collaboration and alignment, they are able to create and live in a new ecosystem for health and well-being in their regions; an ecosystem known for its equitable opportunities for everyone to reach their full potential. This hypothesis is backed by both empirical and anecdotal evidence.
As a founding partner and philanthropic leader of FORESIGHT, we seek to understand what stewards are working toward? What are philanthropic and employer stewards investing toward? What might a new ecosystem look like, so we know how to pursue it? We also want to know: how would regions get from here to there? What transition plans and innovative tools are needed for success? Through FORESIGHT, we will develop the mindsets we need to answer these questions and inspire new regional action with a broad array of partners and leaders who are ready to find dig in and do the hard work to create the new approaches we all need to do our work in ways that can truly break through as we pursue our collective goal of health and well-being for all.
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Our work begins with FORESIGHT.