Wendy Schultz
“Assuring health and well-being for all is a transformative goal—and a wicked problem. FORESIGHT represents an audacious national effort to unite diverse communities in exploring what a vision for healthy lives for all might be. It’s one of the most exciting and challenging foresight initiatives I’ve worked on.”
Wendy Schultz is an academically trained futurist with over 35 years of global foresight practice. She has designed futures research projects for NGOs, government agencies, and businesses. Recent clients include GlaxoSmithKline, Policy Horizons Canada, Vodafone, the United Nations, the International Labour Organization, Nesta UK, Singapore’s Risk Assessment and Horizon Scanning Centre, the Industrial Research Institute, and PepsiCo. Wendy specializes in participatory futures workshops—most recently at A Temporary Futures Institute at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Antwerp; for Africa Knows in Arusha, Tanzania; at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy; and in Budapest for Vodafone. These workshops are participatory, exploratory, provocative, and creative. Wendy teaches futures studies in the Masters Program in Strategic Foresight at the University of Houston, is a senior fellow of the Center for Post-Normal Policy and Futures Studies; vice president of training for Vision Foresight Strategy; and a principal of SAMI Consulting. She is a member of the Association of Professional Futurists and a fellow of the World Futures Studies Federation. Her award-winning articles on futures research have been published in Foresight, Futures, the Journal of Futures Studies, World Futures Review, and APF’s Compass.