In early 2020, FORESIGHT created a set of short videos—based on extensive research by professional futurists—which shared some of the trends, opportunities and challenges on the health and well-being horizon. These videos were shared with nearly 8,000 Americans who were asked to think about the futures described in the videos and—in response—to share what they want and need in order to ensure that the future of health and well-being is equitable.

Their responses were summarized and shared with a group of 100+ people from across the country—representing a diversity of perspectives across healthcare, business, philanthropy, social services, government and more—who came together to identify actions that could prepare for future possibilities and bring to life the wants and needs that Americans described.

The themes, ideas, and proposals shared above are this group’s collective work, which offers a wide range of pathways to prepare for an uncertain future and advance equitable health and well-being.

In the interest of preserving all of the contributions of this group, we have included all ideas and proposals, including those that were suggested but not fully detailed. Ideas that were suggested, but not developed are marked in gray. Some of the proposals provide more detail than others, but all are intended to serve as a starting point for those interested in advancing equitable health and well-being and represent the perspectives of a diversity of National Convening participants.

To view, a PDF of all of the proposals click here.

If you have questions about the National Convening or any of the themes, ideas or proposals offered here, please contact FORESIGHT at [email protected]